[clarissa] first Google News Alert

Donald Lancon dcljr at obkb.com
Wed Apr 8 18:34:08 UTC 2009

Well, I just approved the first Google News Alert to appear on the list,
as everyone can see.  (A few days after it arrived in the queue -- sorry
about the delay.)

I'm not sure what happens if anyone on the list other than me clicks on
 the "remove" link.  Does it immediately disable the alert or do you
have to provide a password to make it happen?  Could someone try this
out?  (Whoever decides to do this, please notify the list when you do,
so we don't have ten different people clicking on the link over the next
few days. =)

If anyone on the list can disable the alerts at any time, well, that
might be a problem....

 - dcljr

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