[clarissa] Google News Alerts on list?

Geoffrey Lane freeballer at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 19:51:30 UTC 2009

Donald I'd definitely say add mjh to some alerts, any news is good
news for those of us still on the list. As far as clarissa or sabrina,
I was wondering if you knew of any alerts, etc... from dvd news
site(s) that could keep us aware if they are making any more? But I'm
likely staying on list until dead, and thought I'll look at any pics
of the family I'd rather not just SEE an alert that says "mjh walked
the dog on tuesday" unless it added pics, or added to some info (so
and so turned 1-2-50-100-1000)

(tvondvd.com for example)
Anyways. those are my two cents about it

P.S. Has anybody heard of CIEA making more seasons?

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